Thursday, July 2, 2009

Typical Girl!

Megan woke up from her nap today really cranky which is not like her. I couldn't figure out what she wanted. She cried if I held her and she cried if I put her down. I checked her diaper, tried to feed her, gave her a drink and gave her Tylenol. Nothing worked. So....I plopped her down on the floor with some chocolate chips and the crying instantly stopped. I told Andrew, "Such a typical girl. I don't know why I'm crying but for some reason choclolate makes everything better."

"Don't even think about taking my chocolate!"

Megan loves playing with my purse. Whenever she gets a hold of it she drags it around the room and has a very serious look on her face like she's doing something very important. She cracks me up....such a typical girl. I love it!


Jason and Kristi Ann said...

Laughing at this post right now. "Don't you dare touch my chocolate" makes me laugh!

BethNoel said...

Oh my goodness! That face! Don't mess with her, right? She is such a cute little lady.