Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

These kiddos are lucky to have such a talented daddy that can carve whatever idea they come up with.  This year it was a princess and an angry bird.

One last cabin trip

Andrew took the kids to the cabin for a little overnighter while I stayed home with Austin.  They had lot of adventures which included: having a chimney fire, going to Raven's Roost, playing in the snow, eating lots of junk food and just being together.  Andrew told me that all throughout the trip they kept saying, "You're the best dad in the whole entire world!"  Soon the cabin will be covered in snow and the long wait begins until spring.  We can't wait to see what adventures await us next year and what fun memories we will make...love the cabin!!!!!


Happy Halloween

A fighter pilot, a princess and an angry little hornet....Happy Halloween!!!!