Monday, July 20, 2009

Hiking at Mount Rainier

Today was a beautiful day so we decided to go on a family hike up at Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park. It was Jordan's first real hike and he did pretty well. It was only 3 miles, but sure felt a lot longer with the kids in tow. He did get tired by the end and wanted to be carried. When he gets tired he acts really silly, so as we were hiking along the trail he was laughing his head off and stumbling down the trail. People who passed us were all very amused by him.

At one point, Andrew was carrying both kids.

Andrew tried doing the piggy-back thing, but Jordan was choking him, so they resorted to this. Jordan was actually really comfortable.

Taking time to smell the flowers.

Checking out a fort


emilybolles said...

You are really living it up this summer! Cute pictures:0)

Alison said...

Great pictures - thanks for sharing

Jason and Kristi Ann said...

I'll take silliness over grouchy any day! Unfortunately, the kids seem to take after me and only live in the silly stage for a couple of moments, then move on to cranky, grouchy. I'll bet Jordan was a hoot to watch. He has such a cute personality!