Thursday, October 14, 2010

Enjoying our Culdesac

One of the things we love about our new house is that it's at the end of a culdesac, which makes riding a bike much more fun. Jordan never learned to ride his bike until we moved here because the road at our last house was a little too busy. He loves to ride his bike now and gets out there every chance he gets. As you'll see in the pictures, Megan also joins in on the action. She always wants to wear the biggest helmet she can find and never really "rides" her bike. She pushes it around, sits on it for a little while, then pushes it somewhere else. She mainly just tries to follow Jordan around, pushing around her bike with her gigantic helmet on. She cracks me up!!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Too cute. I love that you live somewhere safe for Jordan to ride his bike. Megan is too cute for words.