Sunday, August 9, 2009

Potty Training Drama

There has been a lot of drama this week in the Stout household over the matter of potty training. I found some dinosaur underwear at the store and knew that Jordan would love them. Well, he did love them....just a little too much. There were 6 pairs and the problem was that he wanted to wear all 6 pairs. I would put a pair on...he would look in the mirror....take it off...bring me another pair...I would put them on...over and over again. By the end of the day my back was sore from bending over, but I just went along with it because I had finally gotten him out of diapers....or so I thought.

The next day, however, he was back in a diaper and refused to wear the dinosaurs because he just wanted to carry them around. He even threw a fit because I would not let him bring all 6 pairs with us when we went into the store.

Even Megan managed to get involved in the drama. As I was putting Jordan down for a nap one afternoon I could hear her upstairs whining and crying about something. When I came upstairs I discovered her struggling to put a pair of Jordan's underwear on. I helped her out and she looked very pleased with herself. She just kept looking down at them and would get a little smile and look of delight on her face. At this rate, maybe she'll be out of diapers before he is!!!

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