Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Surprises

Mother's Day was full of surprises this year. Andrew surprised me with breakfast in bed, complete with blueberry pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, strawberries and even a little chocolate (he knows me well). Jordan surprised me with this cute card he had made for me (with the help of Andrew). I was also surprised when Jordan went up with the primary children to sing during Sacrament meeting that he actually sang along with the other kids. Alison is the primary chorister and had told me that usually he's pretty quiet and doesn't sing much in primary.

I also drove to Spokane on Mother's Day to surprise Marianne who was recovering from a major surgery to treat her colon cancer. The 4.5 hour drive was heavenly...a quiet car all to myself, left alone to my thoughts, music and books on tape. It went by a lot faster than I was expecting. When I walked into her room, Marianne had a shocked look on her face and kept saying, "What? What? How did you get here? What is going on?" Then we both burst into tears and had a good cry. I could only stay for 24 hours but it was well worth the drive just to be able to spend some time with my sweet sister. I'm in awe of her strength, her optimism and faith. She's fighting for her life and handling her trial without complaining and with a smile on her face. She is absolutely amazing!!!!
You are probably not surpised that this was a Mother's Day I will never forget!!


Unknown said...

if you ever need a place to stay in Spokompton you are more than welcome at the Lillian's house.

Ali said...

An unforgettable Mother's Day for sure! I'm glad your family was good to you. The cards are adorable.
I'm so glad you went to be with Marianne. What a special treat for her! She's in our prayers.

Sarah Stout said...

I love Jordan's card and the fact that he sang in church! :) That's so neat that you got the chance to spend time with Marianne last weekend!

emilybolles said...

That does sound like a day to remember. I'm so happy you got to see Marianne. I'm sure she loved that!