Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Babies, babies and more babies!

I thought I would do a post on Megan's fascination with babies. She loves mothering all her little babies...feeding, changing, burping, rocking, she's got it all down. All of the baby pictures in the house have kiss marks on them because she loves kissing the pictures. The other day I had to laugh when she was playing with a calculator and all of the sudden she squealed, "A BABY!" I couldn't possibly imagine how she connected a calculator with a baby and when I went to look she was pointing to the number 3. Everything in her little world is a baby. Here is just a sampling of the many pictures we have of Megan with her babies.

She loves looking through my baby photo album and kissing all the baby pictures of me.

She makes little nests for her babies all the time, gathering her blankies and lining up her babies. She did this all on her own.

When Andrew got home from a church meeting, Megan brought all her babies and stuffed animals for him to hold. She does this with my violin student's parents too. When they go to leave they are covered in babies and animals.

Here she is wearing her favorite shoes... the ones with the highest heels. She always acts very serious when she's wearing them.

I snapped this picture of her sleeping the other night, surrounded by all her little ones.


Julie Weiss said...

So adorable--LOVED the one with her in the high heels! The look on her face is priceless. :)

BethNoel said...

What a sweet little mother! I just love her in "her" heels!

Trudy said...

What a great post! Megan is so adorable! My Mindy has only one daughter and she has never liked dolls, animals, YES!, but baby dolls, never. We love that about her, but loving the baby dolls(PLURAL) is so cute. xo

Sherrie said...

Super cute Megan!

Jason and Kristi Ann said...

Fun. Fun. Thanks for coming to the birthday party the other night. It is always fun to have family to share special days with.

Sarah Stout said...

Haha... I love Megan with all of her babies. I also have been a "victim" of when she hands you baby after baby and I love it! :)