Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Day of Mixed Emotions

This has been a very emotional day for me. Yesterday I got the news that you never imagine you will ever hear. My sister only has 1 to 2 years left to live. They are going to do another round of chemo to prolong her life as long as they can, but other than that, there is nothing more they can do. I've never felt saddness like this. I have never felt pain like this. I find myself wondering what to pray for now and I guess the only answer is.... time. More time. Please, just more time. You see, she's not only my sister, she's one of my very best friends...and always has been.

On another note, Megan celebrated her first birthday today. We had a barbecue with family. It was fun to get together and celebrate the life of this beautiful little girl who came into our family one year ago. She is a perfect delight and has no idea how incredibly cute she is.

Like I said, it's been a day of mixed emotions!


Sarah Stout said...

Emily... you and your family are amazing people. I know that Heavenly Father will bless you all as you go through this experience. He will strengthen your faith and He will find ways to bless you beyond what you think is imaginable. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

P.S. I loved being at your house today and celebrating Megan's 1st birthday! Thanks for having us over. :)

BethNoel said...

Miss Emily -

I have been thinking about you and your sweet sister so much these past few weeks. I have been in the middle of triplets madness so it has been hard for me to get a minute to call you but I wanted to let you know that Marianne has been in my prayers everyday. Please just know that you have so many people who love you and your family and our support will always be there.

I can't wait to see you guys and should be in WA by Wednesday.

Give your big girl Megan a kiss from her Auntie!

Unknown said...

I am sorry that about this sad news. I have a small window into what your are feeling from my aunt going through this 5 years ago. I don't know what I can say to ease your pain because nothing will. I do know that you are an amazing lady and I can only imagine how wonderful your sister is too. If you need anything a babysitter, someone to talk to or anything just call me. After your testimony yesterday I felt the spirit and I was overwhelmed with both sad and happy feelings. With my sister in law being diagnosed at the same time with cancer I realize how fragile our lives are here and that we need to make the most of each minute. I hope that you go an visit her and make some more happy and priceless memories with your sisters. Ok I can barely see the screen through my tears so I will talk to you later.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Cute little Megan...and don't worry I don't take your scowls personal!

emilybolles said...

Hey Emily, I'm sorry we had to miss the party Megan is such a cutie and I can't believe she is already one! I have a lot of mixed emotions lately too about all of this. I want you to know that I have been thinking a lot about you and Alison as I can only imagine how hard this is for you. If there is anything I can do let me know. I let Alison know as well that I really want to help out with babysitting this summer so you can spend a lot of sister time together with Marianne. If you still want to jump on a plane and go see Marianne let me know because Jordan is done on Wednesday and we'd be happy to watch the kids:0)

Maria said...

Oh Em I am so sorry. Tom called the whole family yesterday to share your sad news. Your sweet family is in our prayers. We love you guys and are so sorry this is happening.

Happy Birthday to Megan!

Love You!

happychow said...

Happy Bday, Megan! Such a dear little Lady- I can't wait to watch her and Maggie grow up together!

Emily, I am so sorry about Marianne. Your family is in our prayers. You have such a tender spirit and I know this is incredibly hard for you. Please know that we are willing to do anything you need to help you out with the kids or free you up so you can spend time with Marianne. Please know that you can ask anytime!!!
Love you so much- thanks for sharing all of this with us.

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

oh Emily, words can't express how sad I feel for you and your family. Please know that we will pray along side you during this difficult time. If you ever need a babysitter, I can always come to your house to help,as my kids are old enough to be on their own. Much love!