Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas

The Christmas festivities began on Christmas Eve at Alison's house with a yummy dinner and nativity program. If you're wondering what my dorky husband is doing in this picture, every year his wiseman outfit gets a little more elaborate.

Christmas morning we woke up and opened presents with just our family. Jordan was very excited about his tool bench and tools. I'm glad too, because he likes carrying around Andrew's tools and banging on the Christmas tree ornaments. We then went to the Stout's for a yummy breakfast and more presents. Andrew headed off to work and I went to my parent's to spend some time with them.

As you can see, Jordan was very tired by the end of the day....and so was I.


The Dorsey Family said...

Hey there stranger. Love you cute little fam. How the heck are you? Your hair is adorable! What have you been up to?

Sarah Stout said...

I'm glad we were able to get together the day after Christmas... it was fun seeing you guys! Enjoy your New Year's celebrations! :)