Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our Mini Tree

Andrew and I bought this little 2 foot tree our first Christmas when we were living in Provo and were too poor to buy a Christmas tree. Plus, even if we had bought one we didn't have any decorations to put on it. Sadly, it is our Christmas tree once again. Last year I had what I thought was a cold the whole month of December. When it miraculously went away the very day we took out our Christmas tree I realized that I was allergic to Christmas trees. We are going to buy an artificial tree and picked one out at Lowe's, but are holding out for a couple of weeks when it goes on sale. This mini tree will have to do until then. I was actually somewhat relieved when I discovered my allergy. Every year Andrew likes to get a tree permit and go up to the mountains to cut down a tree in the forest. It sounds fun, but in reality it is always a very scary experience. One year my dad almost drove us all off a cliff, and the last time we went it was just our little family and Andrew managed to get us stuck in the snow...with a baby...up a mountain...on a snow covered dirt road...with no cell phone the cold...not a pleasant experience. Luckily, he was the hero and managed to get us out. Yes, I don't mind my allergies one bit.

Here are the stocking I've made. When I made mine and Andrew's when we were first married it was the first real sewing project I'd ever done. I always loved having handmade stockings growing up. Someday maybe we'll actually have a mantle to hang them on. Until then the wall will have to do.


Sarah Stout said...

Evan told me about your allergy to Christmas trees. I'm glad you're okay with having a fake tree, though!

P.S. I love your stockings. My mom hand-made stockings for us as children and we still have and use them every year! I want to hand-make stockings for my family someday too.

Jen said...

Those stockings are SO cute! You're going to have to give me details on how you made them, where you got the patterns, etc... I've been looking for a month for stuff to make our stockings with but I haven't found anything I've really loved! But your stockings are like what I have wanted to make for us... Let me know!