Friday, October 3, 2008

Here we go!

Well, I've decided to enter the blogging world. I've never been a good journal writer, so I'm hoping this will be a better way to record what's happening in my life. In fact, I had to laugh when I went to write in my journal after Megan was born and the last entry was when I wrote after Jordan was born. I thought, at this rate, I'll only have a couple more entries and then my journal will be done. One of the reasons I've never blogged is because I don't feel my life is all that exciting. Pretty much every day is the same, without much variation. The other day, my sister-in-law Holly was telling me some things she remembered about Jordan when he was a baby, and I didn't remember them. I've been thinking that even though my life seems monotonous, these are precious years of my life, and I want to remember them, so here goes!

Both of the kids are down for naps right now, which is the best part of my day. They don't always take naps at the same time, but when they do, it is wonderful. It's the time when I can just sit and relax. I usually read my scriptures, take a nap, watch a movie or get on the computer.

Jordan is way into trains right now. The other night I was at symphony practice and Andrew was home with the kids. He couldn't get Jordan to eat his dinner, so he got him down from the table. Jordan then dragged his little picnic table into the family room right in front of the TV, put every train he could find on it, then he asked for his dinner. Thankfully, that was the only time he has tried to pull that, maybe because he knows that with me he won't get away with it. He's also really picking up things that we say. His latest phrases are "Ah, Man," "Oh, Gosh," and "Waz up."

Megan has been a completely different baby since we put her on medicine for her acid reflux. The first few months of her life were hard one's on me (and her, for that matter.) She is my little foot rubber. Whenever she's tired, fussy or even happy she rubs her little feet together. When I go in to feed her in the middle of the night, she always has a huge smile on her face and her feet are going a million miles an hour. Here's the latest pics.....

Andrew's 29th Birthday. He finally caught up to me!!


Marianne said...

Megan is so adorable. She looks so different then when I saw you last. I love the picture of her and Jordan. Welcome to the blogging world.

emilybolles said...

I'm so excited you have a blog! It is a great way to keep in touch... with family and friends. Now we just have to get everyone else on board!

Alison said...

soooo cute!

Sherrie said...

Emily!! It's me Sherrie, your old roomie Sherrie! Yay, I saw your blog on Jen's and just had to pop in and say Hello!
Your kids are adorable...but that's no surprise; they've got a cute Mom. Anyway, just wanted say Hi!