Monday, October 6, 2014

September Birthdays

Andrew will no longer be celebrating his birthday alone, as Austin was born 2 days after his birthday.  We celebrated with Andrew's side of the family on his birthday and with my side of the family on Austin's birthday.  It was lots of celebrating...but for a very good reason....


Here is a Facebook post I made on Austin's birthday...."My baby turned 1 today and it leaves me wondering where the time has gone.  I remember with my first baby, the first year seemed like it took forever as I adjusted to my new life as a mother, but with baby number 3 the year just whizzed by. These are some things I love about my littlest guy.
1.  He still hasn't learned to crawl, but has perfected the scooting motion and has it down to a perfect art.  As a result, he's wearing the bums out of his pants, which makes me smile.
2.  He loves to eat and has eaten pretty much everything I've given him, except for the time he cried when Megan gave him mint ice cream...which may have been because it was too cold. 
3.  He loves stuffed animals, especially the really soft and fluffy ones.
4.  He loves his bed and is a really good sleeper...except for at the cabin...which  resulted in me making the two hour drive home with him in the middle of the night...but that's a long story....
5.  He is a super happy little guy and is always smiling, showing off his adorable dimples.
6.  His most favorite thing in the whole wide world, besides maybe his binky, is his daddy.  When Andrew is home all he wants to do is be held by his daddy.  When I try to take him away so Andrew can do something else, Austin sobs and sobs like his heart is breaking.  It is very sad, but very endearing at the same time. 

I could go on and on, and it looks like I already have,  but we just love him to pieces and have enjoyed every moment of his first year!  Happy Birthday to our little man...who isn't so little...did I mention he's wearing 2T????"

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