Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February Pictures

The kids spent a Sunday afternoon working on making valentines for their classmates.  It kept them occupied for an hour or so and made out for a nice, quiet afternoon. 

Megan broke out with a bad case of hives, which has left her quiet miserable for the last couple of days.   The doctor said it was related to a virus she had at the same time, which was a mild cough.  She's being a trooper and is trying very hard not to scratch all her itchy spots.

Andrew snapped this picture of Megan at one of Jordan's basketball games.  This is a face we often see on Megan, but I've never managed to get it on camera.  The funny thing is that she bites her tongue when she's mad, which is the very same thing I would do when I was little.  Oh Megan....full of so many emotions!!!!

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