Saturday, August 13, 2011

Grandma Sally's Teddy Bear Picnic

As you can see, this year's picnic had a western theme.

Discovering the teddy bear's picnic after our walk through the woods

"Mother Goose" came to read stories to the kids.  As you can tell from Megan's face she was very confused by the costume and actually burst into tears a few minutes later.  She then promptly stood up, gathered her lunch and continued eating elsewhere. 
Waiting for the puppet show to begin

This picture basically sums up a perfect day...a little girl completely worn out from a day of laughing and playing, with a smidge of chocolate on her chin, clutching her new pink teddy bear!!


Ali said...

What a fun event your mom puts on. I love it! I also love the western themed picture, you all have such cute kids.

Trudy said...

Sally is missing her chance to make a million dollars! What mom or Grandma would not buy a book of all her TB Picnic ideas!!! She is the best! Looks like everyone had a great time! XO