Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Days

The sun has finally decided to stick around for a little bit so we've been "swimming" in our hot tub. 

Andrew and Jordan had a lot of fun going to a hot rod show a couple of weeks ago.  Andrew put Jordan in charge of the camera and it was fun to see the show from a 5 year old's perspective.  There were lots of pictures of flames. 

Megan has branched out in her matching and now likes to wear clothes that have the same print. This was her polka dot day. You can't really tell from the picture, but she was actually saying "Cheese." That girl might be little, but she sure has one big mouth.

The good thing about living in Western Washington is that the beach and the mountains are both just a few hour drive away.  Usually the beach wins out for our anniversary trips, but this year we shook it up a little and went hiking at Mount Rainier instead.  It was pretty cloudy the whole time so we couldn't really see the mountain, but it was still fun to get away for a couple of days. 

Here's Megan on one of her "yellow" days. 

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