Friday, May 6, 2011

Latest Pictures

I took this picture when I was playing hide and seek with the kids one afternoon.  They always act so surprised and burst into giggles when I find them, even though from the moment they find their hiding spot they're both calling out, "Mommy, we're over here!!"

I came downstairs to find Jordan basking in the sunlight one morning.  The sun has pretty much been hiding here in Western Washington and makes a very rare appearance every now and then.  The other night at dinner, the clouds parted for a minute and the sun was actually shining on us.  Jordan looked very confused and asked, "Mommy, what is that?"  I told him it was the sun and they both got down and went to find their sunglasses.  By the time they made it back to the table with their glasses on....the sun was gone. 

Sunday afternoon nap

Jordan went through an Incredible Hulk phase.  Consequently, we have a sign on our fridge that says, "NO YELLING! NO GROWLING!"  Luckily, he's moved on to Star Wars now and the Hulk only makes an occassional appreance. 

Megan finally showed interest in wearing her Halloween costume.  Too bad it was 6 months late. 

Another Hulk picture...The good thing about Jordan being into the Hulk and now Yoda is that since they're both green, he's now convinced that if he eats green food he will also turn green.  I've never seen him be so quick to eat celery, broccoli and lettuce as he is now.

Here's our proud little girl who actually made it through her first day today with a dry diaper.  Potty training is pretty easy with her because Jordan's helping out.  If she goes potty I give them both a jelly bean, so Jordan is asking her all day if she needs to go potty and keeps giving her drinks so she'll go more often.  Literally all I have to do is pass out the jelly's great!!!

Here's a couple more things about Megan right now that make me laugh.  Whenever she's being really affectionate with us and giving us kisses and cuddles she says, "I love you Mommy....Merry Christmas," in a very tender voice.

When she sings "Book of Mormon Stories" during family night she scrunches up her little face and tries to look angry.  I guess that's just her reaction to singing in a minor key. 


Marianne said...

I love these pictures. What cuties.. I miss you and love you lots!!!!

erinrose said...

My favorite pics: Sunshine boy and Napping with Daddy.