Friday, April 29, 2011


Megan loves to dress herself and pick out her outfits everyday. Because she was coming up with very interesting outfits, I explained to her the whole concept of matching. I wasn't sure if she would actually get it or really care....but I was wrong. She's gone way overboard with matching. Not only do her clothes now have to be the same color, but her binky, her sippy cup, the toys she plays with, the blankets she uses, the books she wants me to read to her all now have to be the same color. Usually her color of choice is pink which makes it easy....
but occasionally she picks a different color. This is her "green" day. What you can't see in the picture is that her green pants were dirty so she went and found a pair of Jordan's green underwear to put on over her diaper to wear for the day. Luckily we didn't have anywhere to go that day.


Sarah Stout said...

So adorable! That's so smart that she is able to match even with different shades of the same color. She must get that intelligence from her mother! :)

Marianne said...

So cute. Megan is sure a cutie. I love your blog entries of the beach, easter and your birthday. You've captured some great memories. Love you lots.