Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

A couple of days ago I was pleasantly surprised to see flowers growing in our yard.  The kids have been a little overly excited about it too and it has been difficult keeping Megan from picking them. Yesterday when she picked one, it instantly fell apart, which resulted in a melt-down and her asking if we could tape it back together. 

It seems a little early for flowers to be blooming but this whole gardening thing is a new experience for me.  This is  going to be our first spring in this house so I have no idea what's in my flower beds and when they'll bloom.  I know I have a bed of roses, but have no idea how to take care of them and they seem a little intimidating to me.  There's one bed that's full of moss and when I went to rake it all out I discovered a bunch of bulbs...don't know what they are, we'll just have to wait and see. 

So, how does my garden grow?  Right now that's a mystery... I guess that question will just have to be answered in a couple of months!!


Unknown said...

I saw those and I got excited also!!!

Ali said...

The groundhog didn't see his shadow and I've been surprised at the many signs of an early spring around here! I can't wait to see in your future blog posts what does grow. Our second home was full of surprises in the many gardens and we loved it all! Well not the weeding part. Good luck.