Friday, November 26, 2010


We enjoyed a nice Thanskgiving afternoon at the Stout's with lots of yummy food. We forgot our camera, but Auntie Sarah snapped this picture of Megan coloring so intently with her Uncle Evan, who she adores.
We then came home and decorated our Christmas tree and surprisingly only ended up with a couple of broken bulbs. When the kids went to bed we had to rearrange things a bit because all the ornaments were on the lower half of the tree, sometimes 3 or 4 in one spot and all overlapping eachother. It made us laugh!!

Jordan was surprised to see a violin just his size and tried to play it.

Christmas love is in the air!!!


Sarah Stout said...

So adorable! Your tree looks great and it looks like the kids had a lot of fun helping! :)

Ali said...

These pictures put me in the mood for Christmas! I haven't even thought about my decorations yet. I do love how kids decorate the tree, it's why I have a tree and my kids have tree of their own. :)