Friday, July 9, 2010

What a week

Andrew's been away at scout camp for the past few days, so we've been having some fun of our own. We had fun at the zoo with cousins...

Jordan didn't freak out like the last time we went to the aquarium. He just kept saying over and over, "Walruses aren't scary."

We also went to the Seattle Children's Museum which was super fun and a good place to be, considering we were having record heat. I was a little nervous walking with Jordan on the busy city streets with the busses whizzing by, pushing Megan in her stroller. Jordan kept saying, "Look Mommy, we're in the city!"

Jordan was a little disappointed when we got inside that there were no huge dinosaur skeletons in the museum like he reads about in his books, but he did get pretty excited when they brought out this tub of dinosaurs and asked him if he would give them a bubble bath.

Story time

This bed was literally as hard as a rock. Megan lay down, looked very uncomfortable and then went and found a little bag of bird seeds that she put under her head as a pillow.

Megan cracked me up in the grocery store section. She was walking around very quickly, with a very serious look on her face and putting things in her basket as fast as possible. She was definitely on a mission....I guess I know where she learned that from.

I've kept the kids busy, but we are all missing Andrew. Megan kept crying, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" with huge alligator tears running down her face tonight. We are all looking forward to seeing him tomorrow!


Jason and Kristi Ann said...

Glad you had fun at the Children's Museum, too. We sure had fun at the zoo. Will you email me the pic of the kids in the shark mouth? I'd like to put it on my blog. Thanks!

Sarah Stout said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time surviving the week without Andrew! :)