Saturday, July 3, 2010

This and That

I just downloaded the latest pictures from my camera to the computer and thought since I'm already sitting here, I might as well put some of my favorites here for you to enjoy:

Just relaxing on the hammock. This was taken last weekend when I went up to the cabin with the kids since Andrew was working all weekend. Lily and Megan are just like sisters- they can go from loving, hugging and giggling with eachother to ripping eachother's hair out and screaming in less than 2 seconds.

Jordan has become an expert at Legos. He no longer asks me to build anything with them because he's realized that he is way better at it than me. Here are is T-Rex, Brachiosaurus and his latest creation...Triceratops which you can tell he is very proud of.

Megan crashed out on the couch after a long day of playing...didn't even have time to drink her bottle before Mr. Sandman came and snatched her away!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

They are so sweet. I'm impressed with those lego dinosaurs.