Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This and That

We've been having a little bee problem at our house. The bees have made a nest in the roof above our back porch. We bought some spray and Andrew went out there one night to spray the nest and get rid of them. He is allergic to bees, and even though I told him that bees don't fly at night and that he would be fine, he insisted on protecting himself from head to toe. When I asked him what was up with the belt he said it was to prevent the bees from flying up his jacket. He also gave me a fly swatter and told me that it was to get the bees off of him when he came inside. Surprise, surprise....he didn't see any bees. No, not even one.

I wish I had gotten a video of this, but the picture was all I got. Megan picked up one of her favorite books, "The Teddy Bear's Picnic," and plopped herself down on Jordan's lap. He then proceeded to read it to her, well actually sing because that's how I read it to him. It was very cute and by the time I made it back with the camera they were finished.

We took this picture while we were watching General Conference. The kids actually did pretty good, but I do have to say it was wonderful when they both went down for naps at 1:00 on Sunday afternoon, just in time for the last session to start. The next morning, Jordan came downstairs, got out the swing and said, "Mommy, watch the prophet?"


BethNoel said...

My brother, The Bee Keeper! He is such a goof!

I absolutely LOVE the picture of Andrew holding the kiddos. His arms and Jordan and Megan's heads make a heart shape. It is the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing!

Tina said...

Cute, cute! I love that last picture because it looks like Andrew is wrapping your kids in a big heart!