Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Busy Baby

"Is there something on my face?"

Everybody loves Austin

Andrew has always loved taking pictures of messy babies in their high chair...maybe because it's easier when they're sitting still in one's one of MANY such pictures we have stored on the computer.

This little guy has a new nickname around here...wrecking ball. His full-time job is scooting around the house with a very serious look on his face and getting into anything and everything that gets in his way. He knows all the "hot" spots...this cupboard is one of his favorites. As you can see from this picture he his always very pleased with himself when I find him, like "Look at me Mom!! Look at what I did!! Aren't I awesome?" October 21, 2014

"Wake up, sissy!!!!"


I don't think a cluttered floor has ever been such a beautiful sight. It's been a rough week....urgent care visit, a visit to the ER, croup, ear infection, steroids, antibiotics, lots of time spent sitting in a steamy bathroom and bundled up on the front porch, 4 sleepless nights lying on his bedroom floor to make sure I could hear his silent crying. Needless to say, it's been rough, but by the look of this floor (and the fact that he took his first steps today) I believe we are on the mend.  November 12, 2014

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