Friday, October 25, 2013

Austin's Blessing Day

Austin's blessing day was truly a blessed day.  It brought tears to my eyes to see this tiny, precious life being surrounded by stalwart priesthood holders...a father, uncles and grandpas.  Austin did great and didn't make a peep.  It was a beautiful blessing for this precious little one...what a wonderful life he has ahead of him.    

I had a little "Marianne moment" on Austin's blessing day after church when we all came back to the house for lunch.  I was nursing Austin in his room and was listening to everyone talking and laughing downstairs.  As I was sitting there, this quilt caught my eye and I suddenly became aware of a missing voice.  Marianne had made this quilt before she passed away and Mom found it among her things.  I thought about her making this quilt for a baby she knew she would never meet and how much she would have loved Austin. What a special treasure Austin will have to remind him of his angel Auntie who loved him long before he was born.

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