Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sick Megan

Miss Megan has been sick for a long time.  After getting over a cold, she came down with a 24 hour case of the stomach flu, which was no fun at all and let's just say it resulted in a full change of clothing and bedding for both her and I in the middle of the night, which Andrew miraculously slept through.  Luckily he's a morning person and took over at the crack of dawn when Jordan bounced out of bed so I could get some much needed sleep.  After getting over the flu she came down with another case of the cold.  This is what I've been seeing the past couple of weeks......

 As you can see, she also has a couple of hangnails which she wanted band-aids on.  She wore the band-aids for a few days and would scream whenever I talked about taking them off.  Finally, when they started to smell and I noticed that she was writing with the wrong hand because of them I convinced her that it was time for them to go.

Luckily, we have had some happy moments!!!

Here's a couple of things about Megan that I wanted to document so I don't forget them.
  •   When Andrew's "Street Rodder" magazine came in the mail this month Megan excitedly exclaimed, "Look Mommy, it's Daddy's potty book!"
  • As we were leaving the dentist's office, Jordan accidentally released his balloon they had just given him for being such a good patient.  He became very upset and while he was crying Megan said, "It's okay Jordan, that balloon can be for Marianne."   His tears instantly stopped and he said, "You're right Megan, that's a good idea." As we all watched the balloon rise higher and highter, it just made me smile and shed a little tear at the same time.  I love to hear my kids talk about her even though it makes me sad knowing how very little they actually got to know her. 

1 comment:

Sarah Stout said...

I was laughing out loud at Megan's potty book comment and had a tear in my eye as I read what she said about Marianne. Love that precious, sweet girl! I hope she feels better and stays better!