Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jordan's First Concert

Last night I had a symphony concert and since it was a children's concert, we decided to bring Jordan along.  We weren't really sure how he would do since the concert started at about the same time he goes to bed, but he did great and loved it...and I loved having him there too.  I loved seeing his big bright eyes and sweet smile when I walked out on the stage and saw him waving at me.  I loved looking down during my rests and seeing him looking through his binoculars, which made me smile because he was sitting right up front in the second row.  I loved looking down during the slow movement of the second half and seeing him sleeping on Andrew's lap.

One of the pieces we played was called, "The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra" and it featured all of the instruments in the symphony.  Jordan informed me after the concert that his favorite instrument is the string bass...not my pick since they're so expensive and a pain to transport.  Maybe I can lean him toward  the cello instead.  We've got a few years to figure it out.  One thing's for sure...Jordan will now be a regular to my symphony concerts...and that makes me happy!!!


Trudy said...

Well, that is just about the cutest picture I have ever seen!!! Looks like he has "strings" in his veins. The dream goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO

Ali said...

That's so sweet. Jordan has a great smile - how could not love looking down at that?!