Sunday, November 15, 2009

He's Growing Up

Jordan is officially out of his crib. We've had the bed in his room for a while but he never wanted to sleep in it. Since he never tried crawling out of his crib I never really pushed the issue. This week my mom brought over a headboard they didn't need anymore and we put it next to Jordan's bed. That night when Andrew put Jordan to bed he showed him the "Special Grandma Shelf" and that's all it took. Jordan wanted out of that crib and near that shelf. In fact, he told Andrew he wanted to sleep ON the shelf. So far it's been working out pretty well, but I have to admit that the 3 AM wake up call the other night when he turned on our light and started yelling in my face, "MOMMY, WAKE UP!" left me second guessing.

Jordan went to his cousin Tyson's birthday party where there was an army theme. It was the first birthday party he'd been to that was just for the kids and I wasn't with him.

When our Ensign came in the mail this month Jordan adopted it as his own. He's been carrying it around and calls it his "Special Book of the Prophets." He likes to look through it at all of the pictures. I figured it's about time that I order the "Friend" for him. Maybe then I can get my magazine back! Big boy bed, potty training, birthday little boy is growing up!

I got a haircut this week. This is the first time my hair has been above my shoulders. I was a little apprehensive but Andrew talked me into it.


Marianne said...

Way cute hair!! I bet it is a lot easier to do in the mornings. I'm getting mine done this Saturday...hopefully Trisha can fix it and make it look as cute as yours. :):)

Lewis Family said...

I totally love looks so shiny! Your little family is so adorable. Take care...SherRae

Trudy said...

Your hair is darling! Of course, with such a cute face and thick beautiful could you go wrong! It's fun to have a change. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Aunt Trudy