Friday, September 18, 2009

Latest Pictures

This week Andrew celebrated his 30th birthday. I say a week because the festivities have lasted through the whole week. On Sunday we had his family over for pizza and cake. On Monday was his actual birthday and we had a little party with just our family before he left for work. On Tuesday we celebrated by using the Papa Murphy's gift card that my parents had gotten him for his birthday and Thursday we had pizza again when we went out to an Italian restaurant with a gift card his parents had gotten him for his birthday. It was definitely a week of pizza- a sure sign that Andrew's birthday had arrived!
Andrew snapped this picture as I was topping Megan off before we headed out the door to church.
Megan has a fascination with Jordan's hair. She is always trying to rub it and grab it and usually he doesn't go for that at all. During their bath the other night he let her wash his hair. She was in absolute heaven. Maybe I have a little hairdresser on my hands.

Every night before Jordan goes to bed the very last book he always wants to read is, "Dinosaur Roar!" In fact, we've read it so many times that he now has it memorized. Tonight as I was putting Megan in her bed Jordan ran into her room with the book. At first I thought he wanted me to read it to him but he opened it and started reading it to Megan. He read it perfectly from start to finish, said "Goodnight Megan Rose, I love you Megan Rose," and patted her little head. It's moments like this that melt my heart and make me so happy to be a mom to my precious little angels.


Jason and Kristi Ann said...

Happy Birthday, Andrew.

emilybolles said...

Yes, Happy Birthday Andrew! ...and your kids are so cute!

Tina said...

What sweet kids!