Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Patty Cake

At the end of a very difficult day of Jordan throwing multiple tantrums, involving lots of screaming and crying and many minutes spent on his time-out stool for not being nice to his sister, he played patty cake with Megan. It was a nice way to end a very difficult day with everyone having a smile on their face.


Jason and Kristi Ann said...

How precious! Heavenly Father knows what we need when we need it most in order to keep us sane and loving our sweet children who at times, seem to be sent here on earth to torture us. :) Thanks for sharing!

Sarah Stout said...

Such a cute video... I'm glad you had a good end to the crazy day!

Forsberg's said...

So cute. They're is NO way Asher would let Evie sit on him. So you're way ahead of me! It made me smile to hear your laugh. It's been a long time.